Things you need to know before “Study In Australia”.

Information Travel to Australia

The Experience

Studying abroad isn’t only about education, it is also about living in another country with a new environment and culture. A lot of students nowadays have a dream of studying abroad because of what they see on social media. Now it is no longer a dream. If you really want to know about the actual experience you will have to join our LIVE session with our student “Tee Qiao QI” who is currently in Australia doing her Master program! 

About our Guest

Qiao Qi was in Monash University and she transferred to RMIT University Melbourne for her Year 2, and proceeded with her Master in University of Melbourne. So basically she went from a University from the Group of 8 to the Group of 5 and back to a Group of 8 for her Master. Therefore, she is the most suitable candidate to share the full experience of study in Australia. She had been in different Universities with different education systems and styles.

The different education style

All universities have their own style in their education system. Some are more modern and practical and some are more traditional. Different kinds of students also have their own style of learning. Some learn faster when they have hands-on experience, some learn faster by just reading. In this case, understanding the education system of the University before going is very important.

The Life in Australia

What we see in social media is all about the good part of studying abroad. Beautiful buildings, fancy food, nice coffee and lovely scenery. Of course studying overseas is about experiencing all that. However, it is not always rainbows and butterflies. Instead of figuring out what difficulties you might face and blindly research online, SUN ASA had prepared a sharing from Qiao Qi. This way, you will be able to plan ahead on some things and be mentally ready. Study in Australia can be very fun and also exciting. Being able to experience a new life, new culture and explore new food. 

About our Instagram LIVE on 28th May 3pm!

You will be missing out if you don’t join our LIVE session. Not only will SUN ASA be sharing information on study in Australia, there will also be an ATTRACTIVE CASH PRIZES. As long as you join our LIVE Session as our first 100 viewers, you will be able to walk away with a RM150 voucher! We try to make sure that everyone will walk away with something. FOLLOW US on our INSTAGRAM to get updates on how to join this giveaway! If you are our lucky draw winner, you will walk away with not only a RM150 voucher. In addition, you will also get some cash + more vouchers! CALL US to get more information.

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