Easy Tips to Prepare for TOEFL

When you plan to continue your higher education or study abroad, an internationally recognized English proficiency test certificate will be requested to be included. One type of test is the Test of English as a Foreign Language — or commonly abbreviated as TOEFL®.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When you plan to continue your higher education or study abroad, an internationally recognized English proficiency test certificate will usually be requested to be included. One type of test is the Test of English as a Foreign Language — or commonly abbreviated as TOEFL®.

This certificate is needed to ensure that your English language skills are good enough to attend university. This test has its own level of challenge for those who take it. Sometimes the test can be difficult to complete due to a lack of preparation.

For those of you who are preparing to take the test, here are some Easy Tips to Prepare TOEFL:

  • Learn English

Try to learn English more deeply. For example, by watching English movies, listening to songs or video conversations in English, or reading textbooks. It aims to increase your understanding of reading and listening.

  • Increase vocabulary

Increase your vocabulary. You can try it by reading more books, watching videos, or trying to communicate in English with a speaking partner.


TOEFL is divided into 3 parts: Listening Comprehension, Structure & Written Expression, and Reading. You need to pay attention and deal with different sections by following the below suggestions with Easy Tips to Prepare TOEFL.

  • Listening Comprehension

  1. Try to concentrate and focus on the conversation you are listening to.
  2. During section A: Short Conversation. Focus on listening to the second person. No need to panic if you cannot understand all the words in the speech. All you need to do is to get the content of the conversation.
  3. Understand the forms of functional expressions (agreement, uncertainty, surprise, idiomatic, and suggestions).
  4. During section B: Longer Conversation. You should read the answer choices briefly, remember them, and predict which themes will be discussed. Be careful with each question and pay attention to the situation that occurs during the ongoing conversation (understand the place, time, the things discussed, what and who is being talked about).
  5. When you reach the last part of listening, Talks, be aware of the conversation in the first sentence.
  6. Finally, you can make conclusions about the situation which appears in the listening audio.


  • Structure and Written Expression

  1. Pay attention to the sentence asked in the question.
  2. Look at the words or groups of words underlined and quickly find which parts seem incorrect.
  3. If the problem you are facing is difficult to identify, read the full sentence immediately.


  • Reading comprehension

  1. No need to take too long to read the reading passage.
  2. Pay attention to all the questions and remember the keywords.
  3. Don’t panic if the theme is not a topic you know or are good at.
  4. Review again to study the topic of reading.
  5. Read the first sentence in the paragraph thoroughly to find out the main idea.
  6. Try to understand the context of the passage to find out the meaning of certain words.
  7. Scan the passage to find certain information related to the question.
  8. Collect data when reading and making conclusions.
  9. Concentrate when reading the passage, including when you are reading the questions, and increase your reading speed to save time.


Those are some tips you can apply when you are taking TOEFL! In this test, you don’t only need to prepare for it, but also have a fit body and brain. Make sure you eat foods that are nutritious and can increase brain focus. You can eat eggs, nuts, meat, and fruits.


Besides that, make sure to arrive at your test center early. Having two hours to do the test will require you to work quickly and carefully.

However, try to be more relaxed. Your mind should be relaxed so that you are able to complete the TOEFL test optimally.

Easy Tips to Prepare TOEFL with ASA Overseas Education Specialist (formerly known as ASA Global Education) which is one of the leading overseas education consultancy companies in Malaysia.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]