The Benefits of Studying A-Levels in Cambridge as an international student: Abbey College Cambridge.

Studying in Cambridge.


The UK is known for its reputation for the quality of its education. The qualifications offered by British schools, colleges and universities are recognised as hallmarks of excellence and distinction. Not forgetting Cambridge. When it comes to world fame, Cambridge is of course best known for its unparalleled University education.

Why should I study A-Levels in Cambridge?

Cambridge is home to the University of Cambridge, consistently ranked as one of the world’s best universities. Basing yourself in Cambridge mean’s that you will be able to access lectures and materials provided by the university which are delivered by some of the foremost experts in their fields. 


Cambridge is also an inspiring academic location. Being located in the city for 25 years, Abbey College Cambridge is able to give students access to world’s leading universities departments and facilities. Moreover, they often arrange talks and visits to the college by university lecturers and admissions tutors.

Experienced Teachers

experience teachers in Cambridge: International student

One of the main benefits for an international student who studies in Abbey College Cambridge is that the teachers are all experienced teachers, with many years of experience of teaching the A-Level syllabus to international students. Many of our teachers also have good links with the examining bodies, and in some cases are active or past examiners themselves.


This means Abbey College is incredibly well placed to stay on top of the latest developments in the A-Level curriculum and the skills and knowledge required to achieve top grades and progress to top UK universities.

English Help for international student

English class for international students

As an internationally focused college, Abbey College also understands the importance to an international student of improving their English language alongside their academic studies. That is why at Abbey College Cambridge offers an Academic English programme for all A-Level students who do not speak English fluently, or who are not native English speakers.

These English classes are offered at no extra charge, and are vital in helping international students to improve both their A-Level grades, and to achieve the qualifying English score for the most competitive university courses.

Opportunities to University of Cambridge

Studying and living in Cambridge also offers wide ranging academic and extra-curricular learning opportunities. Students have the resources of one of the world’s most prestigious university cities on their doorstep. Abbey college organises regular trips and activities within the city and University of Cambridge to take advantage of them. Yes, International students who went to study for A-levels in Abbey College Cambridge will have the chance to visit Cambridge. 

Abbey College Cambridge also offers an extensive university preparation programme, which is tailored to fit the ambitions of each individual Abbey College Cambridge student. This will include support and advice with university and course selection, and the preparation of a student’s personal statement. Preparation for university entrance tests and mock interview practice, and assistance with sourcing work experience for students within the fields they wish to study.

The Location


The UK is also home to many world-class universities. Abbey College Cambridge has built relationships with top universities, and our graduates have progressed to universities such as the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Imperial College London, University College London, Durham and King’s College London. So Abbey College is  well placed to offer A-Level students access to these prestigious institutions, and the college often receives visits from university professors to deliver lectures and advice to students who wish to study with them.



Cambridge has also been consistently voted as one of the best places in the UK to live and work. Many students from Abbey College Cambridge move on to study undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Oxbridge colleges and many other top universities. After that, they take up work with UK-based multinational companies. Definitely a dream of most international students. The city is also well connected with the rest of the UK, Europe, and the world, making a great hub for internationally focused businesspeople.


Cambridge is also a multicultural city, with a great cultural and social scene. Cambridge is also one of the UK’s most beautiful cities, renowned for its museums, parks, galleries, and music venues, so there is always something to keep students entertained.

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